3 Digital Technology Blogs and Why You Should Follow Them
Engadget is a technology and web online source with constant coverage on what is happening in the world of technology. They specifically focus on consumer electronics, new tech gadgets, and new media happenings. With a constant stream of what’s happening in the world of technology and apps for your mobile platform of choice, the technology world will always be at your fingertips to continue to learn about your field of study.
The Verge(@verge)
This awesome, technology-focused blog was founded just last year (2011), and already has a big following – more than 47,000 Facebook fans. This newborn publication is a great venue for breaking technology news, new technology product information, and group collaboration and chats about technology. Check out this blog for stories on software, mobile, pc, Mac, gaming, storage, and much more.
The Next Web(@TheNextWeb)
With digital technology and new media blogs becoming rapidly popular within the past 5 years, The Next Web is continuing its reign as one of the most popular tech blogs. Their audience is more than 5 million monthly visits – to read and gain information from. TNW [as it is frequently called] publishes blog posts about Internet technology (IT), technology in business, and technology in culture.
As digital technology continues to evolve in the blog world and in history, does this list of digital technology blogs have you thinking about a degree and making technology and design a career? We would love to know your thoughts on the above blogs, too. You can follow our blog as well we are rapidly growing technology blog and trending in social media
.- 2019-09-15 19:59:19