Advantages of Online Training
An E-Learning Management System is your best bet when initiating personnel training for a large employee base. The traditional training approach necessitates absconding of one's daily routine to attend training classes. Disruption of one’s daily routine is costly and translates to a potential loss of earnings for both individuals and businesses. Online training platforms ensure that such cost is avoided altogether, as apps come in handy in delivering relevant content from a central database.
The best practices for the ideal online training tool include:
Here are the core advantages of using E-Learning online training:
1. Flexible
The typical employee has a busy day, and disruption of a set schedule is bound to reflect negatively both on the business and employee side. E-Learning ensures that the necessary material is available to the employee or trainee through a mobile or computer application. The online platform facilitates access to notes, videos, and other training material during one's free time. Its most significant selling point is that training using this approach can take place anywhere, and at any time.
2. Affordable
Personnel training can be a costly undertaking, both to the business as well as the employee. However, the implementation of an E-Learning Management System ensures that you don't need to hire trainers or facilitate additional costs like leasing training space and printing of the traditional paperwork necessary for the conventional training procedures. It is more feasible to establish a database for all your training material and set up a login page which allows access to select individuals with the necessary credentials. The trainees don't need to incur costs to attend training in designated classes, and therefore no need to hire trainers and print training material.
3. Real-time Updates
The E-Learning Software is easily updated. Since it’s centralized, a one-time update has a real-time reflection on the content and the information is immediately up to date. To understand just how much of an advantage this is, picture having hard copies of printed out training manuals that are rendered obsolete due to a software change or upgrade. An institution that insists on using the traditional approach will have to get a fresh batch of training material. Not only is it tedious and time-consuming, but this is also an expensive undertaking.
4. Real-time Interaction
An online training tool can facilitate real-time exchanges, either between trainers and trainees or open forums where discussions bring clarification to critical issues. The facilitated exchanges between participants in an E-Learning platform nurtures cohesion, and this establishes a virtual community for the sharing of information and formulating solutions. The formation of this close-knit unit enhances the learning experience and dramatically aids the training process as regards retention of information
The AFT Learning Model
There is no system without its shortcomings, and E-Learning is no different. Online training tools can alienate the experiential aspect of the training process. Trainees are also likely to feel isolated due to the nature of the learning platform. As a result, a varied learning element is introduced to remedy these flaws.
The AFT model is the solution to all gaps in the E-Learning process. Here’s what it entails:
A – Action: Learning is most effective when activity is incorporated into the process. Internalization is much easier when activity and practicals are a part of the learning process.
F – Feedback: It is critical to let learners know how they are performing, and this is the vital feedback facet of this model. Feedback allows for self-examination, correction and adjustment of applied effort in areas that need improvement by the learner.
T – Trigger: It is vital that trainees complete the required learning process, and for this reason, they need to find the drive and motivation to complete the assigned tasks. The trainer is expected to trigger necessary action by making use of notifications, reminders, and messages. More triggers equate to better automated response and less dependency towards instructors.
.- 2019-10-05 08:57:27